If Employee Engagement surveys are done once people tend to trust and answer honestly. Leaders have the benefit of the doubt. If the survey is done twice and nothing changes in between. If words and action do not match project planning process. If there is no transparency and leaders do not live the change and lead from the front, it creates cynicism and mis- trust. This will sabotage any future employee engagement activity from the start.
Creating trust comes first
Trust is in the actions that illustrate positive engagement. It starts at the top and at the bottom and at every point in between. The 2012 Engagement Capability report shows that highly engaged organisations are 5 times more likely to run a culture of trust in their business. Both Zappos and SAS highly value trust in their business. At Zappos it is demonstrated in such a way that people are allowed to do whatever they creatively think of to create a “WOW” for a customer. At SAS, trust is seen as the foundation of employee happiness. See how SAS became one of the worlds’ best places to work – click here
Best Employers are fuelled by Trust
A recent Hewitt Study in conjunction with the Barrett Values Centre found that Hewitt Best Employers have far less fear driven and potentially limiting values and behaviour in their business than organizations with low or average engagement. (5% vs. 35%)
Trust yourself
Fundamentally leaders must trust themselves. As creatures of habit we got used to working in certain ways, behaving in expected ways etc. When we look at changing those “ways” and “behaviours” (how we “manage”) it can be very challenging. It is easy to revert back to old ways. So trusting in one’s own ability to shift and break the mould, for the better, is essential. When you trust yourself as a leader and lead from the front and take immediate and visible action, and develop team, high engagement follows.
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